Sunday, October 16, 2005

Stepmania: The DDR Alternative

If you hadn't noticed by my email addy ( that I like ddr (Dance Dance Revolution), well now you do. DDR is a great way to stay in shape, and lose a few pounds while your having a blast! DDR is out for most of the new video game counsels such as the PS2,Xbox, and Gamecube. However you have to purchase the game as well as the pads to play, unless you want to just use a controller but then whats the point of Dance Dance Revolution?

Well if you don't have any of the counsels listed above, don't worry. If you have a computer, and I am assuming you do otherwise how would you be reading this, then there is a program called Stepmania. Stepmania is a DDR simulator that will let you play ddr through your computer. It is awesome for modding, possiblities are endless. You can change themes, arrows, make it look like the arcade versions, whatever your heart desires. Stepmania is a stand-alone program. That means that it doesn't come with all of the songs. What you need to do is download the song packs or individual songs and then you can run them with stepmania. Personally the best site that I have found with great choices for DDR packs was DDRUK. You have to set up an account with them but it is not a big deal and its a free account so no worries. Some people may have issues on the legality of it. Some say that if you purchase the mp3 than your good to go but really there is not that big of a threat. Just to be safe though you may want to buy the mp3 for the corresponding song you wish to play.

If there are any questions feel free to email me at:

C-layer Out!


At 9:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

COUGH COUGH! Make me a CD! =OD


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