Folding T-Shirts May Actually Be Fun?!?
As a college student I find myself with little time for anything. With all the things that I have to do I rarely find or make time for things such as cleaning my room or doing the laundry. Because I have a lot different things that need to be done my room usually tends to rank near the bottom on my To-Do list. It usually tends to be a mess with clothing everywhere. Many times I find myself trying to sift through all of my shirts trying to find something to wear. Well one day while I was doing some research I found this great site that taught a technique that made folding laundry fun, easy and very neat and tidy.
At first I was like this is just another way of folding laundry either way I am not going to escape it. Well, with this way, I have found it to be efficient and a neat way to organize clothing. At first I found it a little frustrating, but after 2-3 minutes I had almost mastered the art of t-shirt folding! Wooo! It seemed when I started like it was just another pointless way to do it but after a while it was actually fun and actually presented a challenge each time. I always wanted to see if I could get the perfect Store-Like folded t-shirt.
* A great way to practice is on a new finished load of washed/dried clothing. Not only will you get them folded but you will MASTER the art as well!!
Here is a link to the site:
The video is what really helped me TONS!!! Its much easier to watch somebody do it. (there is a link on the website)